'The King' Heo Hoon, 700 million 'Jackpot' followed by KT's new claim

"The King" Heo Hoon became the new captain of Suwon kt.

KT coach Song Young-jin delivered new news on the first day of preliminary convocation on Saturday. He said he appointed Heo Hoon as the new captain to lead KT in the 2024-25 season.

Coach Song Young-jin said in a telephone interview with MK Sports, "He is a friend who stands out. I chose him as a new captain in terms of expecting responsibility for the team."

Heo Hoon will become a free agent after the 2024-25 season. KT gave him a whopping 700 million won (700 million U.S. dollars) in compensation negotiations for the 2024-25 season, showing strong commitment to accompany Heo Hoon going forward.

Heo Hoon's 700 million won is the highest paid by any player who is about to become a free agent for the first time. It has exceeded 100 million won from Lee's 600 million won in the past.

Heo Hoon is also highly motivated as it is the season just before the FA. On top of that, coach Song Young-jin has been appointed as a new captain in anticipation of synergy.

The captain of KT in the 2023-24 season was Moon Sung-gon. He assumed the heavyweight title of captain from the first season after moving to the FA. And KT cruised to the championship game for the first time in 17 years since the 2006-07 season.
However, Moon failed to display 100 percent of his performance as Anyang KGC (currently Jeong Kwan-jang). He was not given time to play, and as a result, he was unable to display 100 percent of his strengths.

Leaving the disappointing regular season behind, Moon displayed 100 percent of his skills in playoff and championship game. In the 2024-25 season, Moon must recover his past performance and play an active role in the regular season.

Head coach Song Young-jin decided to replace the captain to ease the burden that Moon Sung-gon could have as well as expectations for Huh Hoon's new leadership.

"Changing the captain is certainly a difficult task, and I understand that (Moon) Sung-gon may feel bad," coach Song Young-jin said. "However, the 2024-25 season is a very important season not only for me but also for Sung-gon. We agonized over how we can do well, and we came to make this decision," he said. "I wanted to help him focus only on basketball."  카지노사이트

Meanwhile, KT will hold a preliminary convocation on Tuesday to conduct a test. Starting with the official convocation on Tuesday, KT will play an off-season game in preparation for the 2024-25 season.

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